Welcome to the community for women facing unplanned pregnancy.

We’re here to help you regain control, pursue your future with confidence, and find health and wholeness in community.

Your future is *bright.*

She Might was born out of the desire to create a new kind of community. One defined by respect, optimism, and wholehearted belief in women walking through unplanned pregnancy.

Now more than ever, women are breaking barriers, shattering stigmas, and positively impacting our communities. But we’re torn. Caught between the important plans in our heads and the life-changing workings of our own uteruses.

At She Might, we’ve decided to embrace the tension. To believe that motherhood and ambition are not mutually exclusive. To believe there’s a future beyond the unexpected. And to believe women are capable of pursuing their good and the good of others.

We invite you to come as you are and ask those burning questions. Feel whatever you’re feeling and know that’s ok. Then, lean into this community and discover the power of knowing and being known.

For you and with you,

Andrea Voron
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Our Values


We believe people are resilient. We believe in staying over fleeing. We believe in dreaming big and small. We believe showing up imperfectly is better than never showing up at all. Therefore, we help women grow and flourish wherever they’re planted.


We believe every woman deserves to have access to accurate and trustworthy information. Therefore, we foster a safe environment that allows women to learn and think freely.


We believe no one achieves anything of significance alone. We believe it takes a village to raise a child. Therefore, we cultivate a space where people can come as they are, build lasting relationships, and experience the joy of knowing and being known.


We believe people are beautifully complex. We believe true health is found at the intersection of mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, we create content and resources that lead women to health and wholeness.


We believe in the power of stories to bridge gaps, build community, and inspire hope. Therefore, we welcome the stories of real women and challenge our community to listen and transform.

She Might

The poem that started it all.

She wishes she may, she wishes she might
Find the courage to makes things right
For her life.

They say her world's ending.
They're saying goodnight.
And they're closing the curtain on time in the light.

But she might,

Find the courage to fight,
Take flight—reach her goals staring straight at the shade and the words with a bite.
It'll take some support to keep hope in sight,
Crack the door when she tucks in her baby at night.

Turn on the nightlight.
They'll be alright.

In a world full of "won't" and "can't", deaf to her plight,
She hears every judgement, feels every slight.
"Impossible." "Over." "Careless." "Three strikes."
"It can't work." "Too much work." "It's gonna be tight."

She's not listening.

Those voices don't know,
Because they haven't lived it—played through it to grow.
Shrewd mommas who've moved through the drama before,
And they've mapped the whole path out, they're holding the door.

For her. And her child.

Their future is bright. It takes all types of moms to tuck babies in tight.

She rolls up her sleeves, pulls her hair in a tie.
Some may not believe, but they don't know her life.
Success isn't easy, the cards are stacked high, and doubt says she won't make it through the first night.

But she might.


By Kayla Izard

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